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ramsac microsoft teams

Microsoft Teams deployment best practices

Remote working

 Find out about Microsoft Teams deployment best practices, to make the transition as seamless as possible. [...]

Video Resource

Microsoft 365 top tip video – Using the Planner app in Teams

In the seventh of our Microsoft 365 top tips video series, Dan May demonstrates how to use Planner within Teams to improve collaboration on projects and to make planning [...]

Video Resource

Microsoft 365 top tip video – Creating meeting polls in Teams

In the sixth of our Microsoft 365 top tips video series, Dan May demonstrates how to create quick meeting polls in Teams using Microsoft Forms. [...]

Video Resource

Microsoft 365 top tip video – Using the help function in Teams

In the fifth of our Microsoft 365 top tips video series, Dan May demonstrates where and how to find help with Microsoft Teams. [...]

Video Resource

Microsoft 365 top tip video – Understanding ‘Settings’ in Teams

In the fourth of our Microsoft 365 top tips video series, Dan May demonstrates some of the useful 'Settings' in Teams, explaining what they are used for and how [...]

Video Resource

Microsoft 365 top tip video – Using the Search bar in Teams

In the third of our Microsoft 365 top tips video series, Dan May demonstrates how useful the Search bar is in Teams. [...]

Video Resource

Microsoft 365 top tip video – Creating meeting invites in Teams

In the second of our Microsoft 365 top tips video series, Dan May demonstrates how to invite people to an online meeting in Teams. [...]

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How to find the perfect background for your Microsoft Teams meetings

Microsoft 365

With the new Microsoft Teams update, you can now add your own pictures to the selection of images for your Teams meetings. Here are a few quick and easy [...]

ramsac Artboard 5

Microsoft Teams vs Zoom: video conferencing comparison

Microsoft 365

Both Teams and Zoom are designed to improve communication and can be used for video and audio conferencing both internally and with people outside your organisation.  In this blog, we have looked at some of the pros and cons of each [...]

Quiz yourself

Are you more cyber savvy than an 11 year old?

11-14 year olds get asked these questions in school. Could you get these right?