ramsac’s tech spotlight – videos

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Our range of helpful videos from tips to ‘how to’s

SmartForms Guide

SmartForms Guide

A short video explaining how to use SmartForms from ramsac, to request Outlooks changes and streamline your experience. [...]

Installing the ramsac agent

Installing the ramsac agent

A short video explaining how to install the ramsac agent. The agent helps us connect remotely to your device, to help you when you need it most. [...]

Video: How to use AutoElevate

Video: How to use AutoElevate

A short video explaining how to use AutoElevate, a program which takes the hassle out of Windows elevation requests [...]

Quiz yourself

Are you more cyber savvy than an 11 year old?

11-14 year olds get asked these questions in school. Could you get these right?