Manor House School
Manor House School are an independent school who choose ramsac to work alongside their in-house ICT technician to provide additional support and to assist with planning and executing of a variety of IT projects.
Who are Manor House School?
Manor House School is a selective independent school for girls aged 2-16 years, located in the village of Bookham in Surrey. The school operates from a magnificent country house, complemented with state of the art educational facilities, that is brought alive by the creative and positive energy of the girls who choose to learn at Manor House School.
What prompted the School to move to ramsac?
Manor House School is a small independent school and they do not have the advantage of a full IT department with all of the skills that this brings with it. Manor House School do benefit from an in-house ICT technician, Russell Knowles, who explained the IT challenges the school were facing “It was becoming difficult to keep up with the demands that the school had for IT. Prior to ramsac, the school were using two separate networks one for curriculum and one for administration. This was becoming a bug bear with teaching staff as they were constantly needing to copy documents from one domain to the other. There were also 2 backups being done and the servers were struggling with the demand, workstations were also struggling. As the ICT Technician I needed support with making decisions that were required at the time.”

The IT audit
The first job undertaken by ramsac was to work with the school’s ICT Technician to complete a thorough audit of the technology infrastructure, including a review of existing and future requirements. ramsac provided a report detailing the condition of all the ICT hardware in the school “ramsac gave us insight into what needed actioning urgently as well as identifying the future requirements. They indicated these with a ‘red, amber and green’ colour system which made it clear what needed attention immediately and what could be put on hold for future projects.” Said Russell Knowles
The benefits of working with ramsac
“We have really benefited from regular meetings with our account manager to go over any issues and to guide us with larger projects, helping us to make plans and budgets for future work. Having a visit each month from our Network Consultant has been very important to the school in providing ongoing development and continuity. The idea that I can pick up the phone, or email ramsac support with any queries is a great comfort and when there has been times when I have not being around, due to ill health or annual leave, staff are assured that they can just contact ramsac at a drop of a hat and know that they’ll get the support they need.”
Office 365 work and server upgrades
ramsac have worked on numerous projects for the school over the years, including, providing advice on the wireless infrastructure, moving to Office 365 and upgrading servers. Russell commented
“All projects are structured and documented so that everybody knows what needs doing and at what point. I would recommend ramsac to anyone due to the professionalism that ramsac deliver every time we deal with them.”
Russell Knowles, Manor House School in-house ICT technician