ramsac team

IT Blog

Windows 7 Windows 10 blog

Still using Windows 7 or Server 2008? – You are at risk


Extended support from Microsoft for Windows 7 & Server 2008 will be switched off today. It is vital, if your organisation is still using Windows 7/Server 2008 to upgrade [...]

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10 tips for mastering Excel


10 time-saving tips to help the uninitiated up their Excel game this is based on my own favourite tools and shortcuts that I use on a daily basis. [...]

SME Silver Award 1

Business of the Year: Silver winner – SME National Business Awards


We have been given the silver award of "Business of the Year with more than 50 employees" at the SME National Awards. Read more about it here... [...]

ramsac benefits of onenote blog

What are the benefits of OneNote?

Microsoft 365

OneNote, part of the Office 365 suite of applications, has become an essential productivity tool for businesses. But many don't fully appreciate the valuable contribution that OneNote can make [...]

ramsac people working in office

7 Reasons Why Company Culture is Important


A good company culture generates the foundations for solid business growth, by listening to employees and making changes where needed. Explore more benefits. [...]

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ramsac swings into action to fund raise for Challengers


We were thrilled to have raised over £1,000 for Challengers at our corporate charity golf day. Read more to find out what happened on the day. [...]

apprentice blog 2

Q&A ramsac Support Apprentice


An Interview with our current support apprentice on what made them become an apprentice, and how ramsac has helped to kickstart their career in IT [...]

ramsac team posit notes organisation

How to build a scalable business


Small businesses and startups need to be scalable to succeed. That means your business structure has the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. [...]

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ramsac celebrates Paul and his performance at the European Masters Games


Whilst we all love tech here at ramsac, there’s also more to us than computers and clouds! With many of the team getting up to all sorts of exciting [...]

Quiz yourself

Are you more cyber savvy than an 11 year old?

11-14 year olds get asked these questions in school. Could you get these right?