ramsac team

IT Blog

ramsac blog slack vs teams

Microsoft Teams vs Slack – what’s the difference?

Microsoft 365

We take a closer look at the features of each, including the advantages and disadvantages of these popular business applications. [...]

teams meeting ramssac blog

How to use Microsoft Teams effectively

Microsoft 365

Microsoft Teams has a number of functionalities that are beneficial to businesses, from ease of collaboration to the ability to back-up and protect documents and communications. But how can [...]

ramsac blog 10 cybersecurity tips

10 simple cybersecurity tips for SME businesses


For SME businesses, managing effective cybersecurity might seem like a challenge. Antivirus software is expensive. Training costs time as well as money. Just knowing what you need to protect yourself against [...]

Surrey business awards 2021 winners photo 1024x682

ramsac wins Large Business of the Year at Surrey Business Awards


ramsac are thrilled to announce that we have won the ‘Large Business of the Year’ award at the 2021 Surrey Business Awards as well as receiving ‘Highly Commended’ in [...]

Awards blog Nov 2021

ramsac’s best ever year ends in a flurry of award nominations!


Award season appears to be upon us, and we are thrilled to announce that ramsac are finalists for no less than 7 industry awards! [...]

ramsac people looking at screen

The importance of audio in video conferencing


Having good audio on video calls is of great importance. ramsac discusses the ways to improve audio quality for everyone. Read our useful article today. [...]

ramsac heat map blog hero

Internet users around the UK

Remote working

Using data from the Office for National Statistics, ramsac has discovered how many active internet users are in the UK, and where they are. From Dunstable to Dorset, the [...]

best business productivity apps

Best business productivity apps: a comparison


Work smarter, not harder. It’s a common goal amongst busy professionals, especially when there’s an opportunity to cut down distractions and become even more productive. Whether in the office [...]

ramsac Ada lovelace blog

Celebrating Ada Lovelace: encouraging women to consider a career in IT


To celebrate Ada Lovelace day, we are spotlighting 3 of ramsac’s female technicians to find out what encouraged them to pursue a STEM career. [...]

Quiz yourself

Are you more cyber savvy than an 11 year old?

11-14 year olds get asked these questions in school. Could you get these right?