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IT Blog Category: IT

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10 tips for mastering Excel


10 time-saving tips to help the uninitiated up their Excel game this is based on my own favourite tools and shortcuts that I use on a daily basis. [...]

ramsac team posit notes organisation

How to build a scalable business


Small businesses and startups need to be scalable to succeed. That means your business structure has the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. [...]

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Quick Steps in Outlook


A guide to Quick Steps in Microsoft Outlook, as well as other shortcuts & tips for improving email management efficiency and use. [...]

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How to Perform A Vulnerability Assessment


Vulnerability assessments help you understand your business's strengths and weaknesses to cyber crime. Find out more about how to perform one. [...]

ramsac MFA blog

Multi-factor authentication: why you should be using it and how to implement it


Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), is something everyone will have experienced, in this blog we explain why you should be using it and how to implement it. [...]

ramsac single point of failure blog

The danger of single points of IT failure


A single point of failure put simply is a part of a system, which if it fails it will stop the entire system from working. This can be extremely [...]

ramsac investing in the right IT blog

Investing in the right IT


In this blog, we explain how organisations should determine when and how to invest in their IT [...]

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Embracing the in-house/outsource hybrid


Outsourcing or not there will always be a debate. The hybrid approach should be given serious consideration to have the best of both worlds. Find out more in our [...]

Quiz yourself

Are you more cyber savvy than an 11 year old?

11-14 year olds get asked these questions in school. Could you get these right?