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IT Blog Category: Cybersecurity

ramsac Multi factor authentication blog

Passwords are broken – the rise of Multi-factor Authentication


Passwords alone are no longer sufficient to protect an organisation from cybercrime. Find out how Multi-factor authentication can protect your organisation. [...]

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Why physical security is part of cybersecurity


With so much of the cybersecurity discourse focusing on the "cyber" aspect of the security, it's easy to get tunnel vision. Installing antivirus and a firewall is just one [...]

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What is a human firewall and how do you secure it?


Cyber attacks are now part of the IT landscape and we won’t ever get rid of them, but by changing the way we use IT systems and by improving [...]

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How to Perform A Vulnerability Assessment


Vulnerability assessments help you understand your business's strengths and weaknesses to cyber crime. Find out more about how to perform one. [...]

TedX – Human Firewall – The Answer to the Cybersecurity Problem


Rob May, MD at ramsac was invited to give a TedX talk on cybercrime and the Human Firewall. [...]

Quiz yourself

Are you more cyber savvy than an 11 year old?

11-14 year olds get asked these questions in school. Could you get these right?