IT Blog Category: Culture

ramsac wins ‘World Class Workplace Engagement’ Award
We are thrilled to announce that ramsac has been awarded the prestigious 3 Star accreditation rating, reflecting “world class levels of workplace engagement” in the 2022 Best Companies to [...]

Celebrating Ada Lovelace: encouraging women to consider a career in IT
To celebrate Ada Lovelace day, we are spotlighting 3 of ramsac’s female technicians to find out what encouraged them to pursue a STEM career. [...]

The Tech She Can Charter: our commitment
We have signed the Tech She can Charter as a commitment to challenge the gender imbalance and to encourage more women into technical roles. [...]

ramsac named as one of UK’s top culture leaders 2021
Culture is very important to ramsac and the way we work, so we are thrilled to have been named a UK top culture leader by Breathe [...]

7 Reasons Why Company Culture is Important
A good company culture generates the foundations for solid business growth, by listening to employees and making changes where needed. Explore more benefits. [...]